Pre and Post Care Instructions for Botox Injections
Before having Botox Cosmetic Injection, tell your doctor about all prescription, non prescription, illegal, recreational, herbal, nutritional or dietary drugs you are on.
Please consult your prescribing doctor prior to your appointment to receive instructions on when to discontinue any prescribed blood thinners.
7 days before:
• Avoid over-the-counter blood thinners (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Midol, Vitamin E, Ginko Biloba, St. Johns Wart, Fish Oil, Omega 3s or any other anti-inflammatory drug)
• Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours pre and post treatment to avoid extra bruising
• Inform our clinical team if you have a history of cold sores to receive advice on possible antiviral therapy prior to treatment.
• Do not use Botox if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use Botox if you are allergic to any of its ingredients (eggs) or suffer from any neurological disorders.
• Please inform us if you have any questions prior to treatment
3 days before:
• Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A) Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, Alpha-Hydroxy Acid or any other “anti-aging” products.
• Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing or the use of hair removal cream to areas being treated
Day of Treatment:
• Arrive at Pure Reflection with a “clean face”. Please DO NOT wear make-up.
During Treatment:
• You may experience a mild amount of tenderness, crunching or a slight stinging sensations with each injection
Post Treatment:
• You may experience some tenderness at the treatment sites that can last for a few hours or a few days
• Redness and swelling are normal
• You may have bruises in the areas treated
• It is best to try and exercise your treated muscles for 1-2 hours after treatment (practice frowning, raising eyebrows & squinting.) This helps to work the Botox into your muscles.
• Stay upright for 4 hours following treatment. DO NOT rest your head or lay down, you must sit upright
• You may gently apply an ice pack for a brief period of time or take Acetaminophen/Tylenol for discomfort
• Once any pinpoint bleeding (if any) from the injection sites have subsided, you may begin to wear make-up
• Avoid placing excessive pressure on the treated areas for the first few days; when cleansing or applying make-up to your face, be very gentile
• Remember to be gentle when touching the newly treated areas
• Avoid exercise or strenuous activities for remainder of the treatment day. You may resume other normal activities immediately.
• Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Apply sunscreen SPF 30 or higher
• Wait 24 hours (or as directed by clinician) before receiving any skincare or laser treatments
• You will not see an immediate improvement in the treatment area. Most patients start seeing benefits as early as 3 days and up 14 days after Botox injections. The results last 3-4 months. However, results do vary and supplemental “touch up” treatments may be required to achieve and maintain optimal results as early as 2 weeks.